A friend in Guatemala visited Daniel a few weeks ago, and her report was not good. Daniel is living with his biological mom in very poor conditions. It sounds like he has no where to bathe. His family can’t afford to send him with a snack to school. He has no help with his homework. […]
Category: Guatemala
An Update on Guatemala
Our last trip to visit Daniel was November of last year (2011). Since then, we’ve had precious few updates on how he’s doing now that he’s living with his family and going to school in his hometown. A month or so ago, we received word that he was living with his mom (rather than the […]
Pacaya Ate My Tennis Shoes (by Rachael)
What did we do for our fourth anniversary? Oh, you know, the usual–climbed an active volcano, stuck our head in the crater, barely avoided a deadly avalanche.. Climbing Pacaya Volcano–July 2009 If you happen to be in Guatemala during your fourth anniversary (and you think like Nate) then you might as well celebrate your years […]
A Promise Kept
Our visit with Daniel and his family was too short (like all of our visits with him are!), but we end today feeling like we did what we came here to do. Daniel’s uniform is ordered. and he’s enrolled in a seemingly great school (run by compassionate nuns) that will send us emails and updates. […]
The Dump and a Field Trip–Final Day in Guate
This morning we had a new and interesting experience: we went to the dump. The big dump in the middle of the city is a pseudo-city that supports 11,000 people and is the size of twenty seven football fields. Our wonderful friend, Berta, now works for a ministry that serves the dump scavengers. Her ministry, […]
Baby A in Guatemala
Today was our day to relax and let my parents be tourists. We took a break from Casa Bernabe and spent some time in Antigua. Later, we stopped by to see the other child we sponsor, a girl named Alejandra who lives in a place called New Life Children’s Home. Because we were able to […]
Why every Christian is called to rescue orphans
Roxy Bertsch, a good friend from church and InterVarsity, sent us this article from the latest issue of Christianity Today. I loved the paragraph where the author addressed his fear of not being able to love an adopted child: “I was at first reluctant to adopt, because I assumed an adopted child would always be […]
Pretzels and Prayer (by Rachael)
Even though this has been a relatively “easy” and relaxed week compared to some of our other trips, I’m exhausted. Thankfully, this morning was somewhat restorative. We went to one of the bigger churches here in Guatemala City, Casa de Dios. And when I say “bigger,” I don’t mean 1,000 people. I mean 25,000. We […]
Toy Story 3 with Casa Samuel (by Rachael)
Today was a fun day. We had a relaxing breakfast with Christy and Chris, and then headed straight to Casa Bernabe to pick up the 23 people from Casa Samuel (Daniel’s home) that were coming with us to see Toy Story 3. The kids in this home are amazing. They were calm, quiet, and polite. […]
Strength Day at Elisa Martinez (Nate)
Even though the morning was relatively relaxed compared to the previous days and we got to sleep in a little, Rachael did not feel well for breakfast and the drive to meet the translators. Please pray for Rachael and our baby that they would be well and that Chris & Christy would not get sick […]