Celebrate Earth Day at Indiana State University!
|Join ISU Office of Sustainability on Wednesday, April 19 from 11am-2pm for ISU’s 15th Annual Earth Day Celebration. Meet with ISU faculty, staff and students to see how they are promoting sustainability. Visit with local area businesses and organizations to learn about sustainable products and services and how you can get in involved.
Enjoy food, fun activities for all ages, prizes, giveaways, and free parking!
Our partners at the ISU Office of Sustainability have this to say about their event:
Earth Day is a national celebration of the land that we collectively inhabit and its purpose is to recognize our impact on the land. ISU has celebrated Earth Day for the past 14 years with a large gathering of students, staff, faculty, and community members. This celebration has expanded beyond the one-day event into a week-long celebration with multiple events. We work with many campus and community partners to put on these events and have a breadth of sustainability experiences during the week.
Earth Week has programs and activities that celebrate and provide education about sustainability centered on the wellbeing of our society, economy, and planet. Our programming is centered on the three components of sustainability – social, environmental, economic – and the interconnected systems that impact healthy and sustainable communities. We also want to highlight and uplift campus and community events that focus on the wellbeing of our society, economy, and planet.
The following personal experience is from April 2019. Read for a preview of what you might expect at Earth Day 2023!
The Earth Day celebration at Indiana State University (ISU) has become something I look forward to in the spring. It’s usually just after the snow melts, which is a time when the kids and I are desperate to soak up some sunshine and (chilly) fresh air.
We rally with our friends and neighbors to bike, walk, or drive to ISU.
Once we get to campus, the kids torment entertain the college students with their laughter, tantrums, games, and demands for more snacks.
There are several community tables set up that are perfect for kids. Last year, my girls played games with the staff from the Terre Haute Children’s Museum, admired a table full of gemstones and fossils, petted an alpaca, freaked out when they got their pictures taken with someone dressed as a bunny rabbit, and collected a bagful of swag (pencils! hats! cleaning products! a tree!).
As you might expect, many of the activities focus on the theme of sustainability.
There’s also food available for purchase–a few years ago, we tried Indiana dandelions!
Bigger kids have enjoyed big kid entertainment such as the live music, cornhole, and a rock climbing wall.
I’ve heard grumbling from parents who work from 9-5 that this event excludes them (since it’s normally in the morning). However, I feel it’s worth mentioning that this is an ISU event. The target audience is college students. The community is encouraged to attend (and for this I am grateful!), but of course they plan the event to coordinate with student schedules.
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Admission is free, but there is a charge for some of the extras (such as food).
If you’ve been before, what’s your favorite thing to do?
Earth Day 2023 Schedule
Wednesday, April 19th
ISU’s Grassy Quad
Find out more by visiting the ISU Office of Sustainability’s facebook page!