Usually, I think of Saturday as a relaxing and restorative day, but I realize that relaxing on the weekend is a luxury not everyone can afford. Today, a woman who cares for the younger orphans shared with us that she works Monday through Saturday at two jobs to take care of her four children. Oh, […]
Tag: Foreign Exchange
Guatemala Day 1-Foreign Exchange (by Rachael)
As is usually the case in Guatemala, today tested the limits of our emotional and physical strength. I. Am. Exhausted. We started the morning by visiting one of the Compassion projects on the outskirts of Guatemala City. There are currently 200 kids who participate in the after school/weekend program. 50 kids still need sponsors. Interested? […]
“Chasing Your Heart”-Testimony
A few months ago, Scot Longyear (our pastor) asked us if we’d be willing to work with him and Scott Telle (associate/media pastor) to make a video testimony about how God has focused our hearts on Guatemala, and how we’ve adjusted our lifestyle in order to chase after the dreams God has given us. Scot […]
A day like no other-Guatemala Day 2
Nate and I have been on a Jon and Kate Plus 8 kick lately. We don’t have cable, but every once in awhile we catch an episode or two online. For those who don’t watch, during the opening credits, Kate says something about how, with two sets of multiples, she could “very well lose her […]
Provision Part 2: Card Me (by Rachael)
So check it out- our friends Dan and Bethany are friends with the guys who started this nifty website called Ever heard of it? No? Me neither. That is, until a few months ago when Dan and Bethany decided to have a “house party” to help out with Guatemala. They had a par-tay at church for […]
Elisa Martinez-Guatemala Day 5 (Rachael)
Based on how our day started, today should have been awful. Nate and I both woke up tired and worn out from sorting and resorting pencil boxes and letters late into the night. I even missed breakfast due to the fact we were running behind, which is never a good sign. So, when we […]
Leavin’ on a Jet Plane (Nate)
We made it to Guatemala quite uneventfully and safely. No one was late, no problems with luggage, only minor repacking for a bag that was 1 pound overweight. We got exit row seats on both flights, with each of us having our own row to lie down on the evening flight from Houston […]
Uncommonunity (by Nate)
The other night as we were packing up the bags for our trip to Guatemala, I looked through some of the gifts that people have given to their Foreign eXchange kids. They’ve just been gradually filling up our utility room as people have given them to us at church every week. Rachael’s been the one […]
Foreign eXchange
For those of you interested in hearing more about “Foreign eXchange,” read on for details. Then comment or email if you have questions or would like to get involved. For those of you who have already signed up, keep in mind that we need your letters a.s.a.p., and we’d like to have your gifts by […]
So the Boys Know We’re Crazy about Them (Rachael)
Remember when we said we wanted to let the boys in Guatemala know that there was someone out there who was absolutely crazy about them? Well guess what? It’s happening! A few weeks ago we launched Foreign eXchange, which is kind of like a sponsorship program with a few uniquely-eXchange twists. For one, the […]