Guatemalan arrival! (Nate)

We may have made a speed record for commercial travel today, even with our 250lbs of baggage! We left our house at 6:15 this morning and were greeted by the energetic babies and their scissors by 2:00PM this afternoon. Scissors? We thought they might be making some sort of craft, but no they were just […]

Provision Part 2: Card Me (by Rachael)

So check it out- our friends Dan and Bethany are friends with the guys who started this nifty website called  Ever heard of it?  No? Me neither.  That is, until a few months ago when Dan and Bethany decided to have a “house party” to help out with Guatemala.    They had a par-tay at church for […]

Provision (by Nate)

We recently received notice that there are roughly 90 boys in the two orphanages we visit. That’s roughly 25-30 more than we expected, which is okay with us. We usually plan on getting extra stuff and writing extra letters, but this time we had a wonderful surprise. One of our high school Spanish teachers was […]

Have you heard the news? (By Rachael)

Unless you regularly go searching for Latin American news, you’ve probably missed out on what’s been going on the past few weeks in Guatemala.  On the other hand, this news is so big that there’s a chance it made it into the international section of your hometown paper.  Why? Because, as the Guatemalan paper Prensa […]

Hope (by Nate)

Yesterday we had lunch with a friend of ours, an experienced world-traveler, who has been keeping up on our adventures in Guatemala. We had a great time sharing our stories with an interested and active listener who challenged us to think about motivation, purpose, goals, and the potential for growth and expansion of our work in […]

We have tickets! (By Rachael)

This week, my task was to nail down some dates for a June trip to Guatemala and buy our plane tickets.  I almost failed to complete this week’s task.  Would you like to hear what happened? Yes, of course you do.  If you didn’t, you wouldn’t still be reading our blog.  Okay, here’s what happened:  […]

I Feel Sick (Rachael)

If you happened to read any of our blog posts from when we were in Guatemala, you already know that our week there was amazing.  It was so amazing, in fact, that we’re already making plans to go back in June.   However, what we didn’t mention in our posts was that the weeks had […]