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Have you heard the news? (By Rachael)
Unless you regularly go searching for Latin American news, you’ve probably missed out on what’s been going on the past few weeks in Guatemala. On the other hand, this news is so big that there’s a chance it made it into the international section of your hometown paper. Why? Because, as the Guatemalan paper Prensa Libre reports, never before has a democratically elected president been accused of murder. Murder. And the president is accused.
So what does this scandal mean for Guatemala? The middle class and wealthy Guatemalans are demanding that the president step down. The poor and indigenous people are protesting in favor of the president. Violence and fear are increasing. The FBI has been asked to get involved.
What does this mean for us and our upcoming trip plans? Our friends, John and Emily, were in Guatemala the very week this scandal erupted. They were more cautious than usual and noticed a lot more traffic, because the protests are affecting the traffic patterns. Nevertheless, they had a wonderful trip.
We’ve heard that we might need to stay at a nicer, more secure hotel instead of the apartment we originally planned to rent. We know the hotel is a very secure option and Buckner is looking out for safety, but this move will mean out housing costs for the week will jump from around $100 to closer to $700. Ouch. We weren’t counting on that.
We ask that you pray for the people of Guatemala and the political turmoil in their country. Please pray that the country calms down quickly and differences are resolved peaceably.
Please pray for us that we’d make wise decisions regarding our trip. Pray that the turmoil wouldn’t keep us from visiting any of the orphanages—Elisa Martinez, San Gabriel, or the Baby Home.
Pray that we’d raise the funds to make up for the difference in housing costs.
As always, we are thankful that we get to be involved in God’s work in Guatemala, and we are looking forward to visiting the children there and showing them love! Pray that nothing would get in the way of His plans.