50 August Events for Terre Haute and the Wabash Valley
|The 2019 August event calendar for things to do in Terre Haute and the Wabash Valley would not be possible without the support of Kindermusik at KinderCenter. If we want to see the Terre Haute area attract more families and offer more family fun, we need to support kid-friendly businesses like Kindermusik!
Mark you calendar! KinderMusik classes start the week of Labor Day with Monday classes starting on August 26 due to the Labor Day Holiday. Check www.KinderCenterMusik.com for class days and times.
There are a variety of times and days offered for each class!
You can find the class schedule and prices on the registration page of the KinderCenter website.
Weekly Events in August
Mondays (except August 5th). 10:00 a.m. Tiny Tot Time at Vigo County Main Library. Ages 0 – 24 months: Bring your baby to the library for stories, songs, dance, and activities.
Mondays. 4:00 p.m. Game Night at Indiana State University Bookstore. Join us for a fun evening. We will have a weekly game night in our cafe area with a 20% off game night discount on our games.
Tuesdays. 1:00 p.m. Art Start at the Swope. Young artists are invited to experience this free art program. We will be reading a book and doing a related art project. For children ages three to five accompanied by an adult. Located at the Swope Education Center, enter from Ohio Street.
Tuesdays (except August 20th). 6:00 p.m. Try This Tuesday at Vigo County Main Library. Ages 12-19: Have you ever wanted to learn how to make origami, how to use a GoPro, or how to use those funky-looking Merge Cubes? Get answers to your questions, learn new skills and explore technology at Try This Tuesday.
Tuesdays. 7:30 p.m. Hawthorn Hiking Club at Hawthorn Park. Trail level of difficulty is moderate and hilly. Hiking boots are suggested. Mileage and pace of hike will be determined by each hiker. Maps will be provided.
Wednesdays (except August 7th). 10:00-11:00 a.m. Wiggle Worm Wednesdays at Vigo County Main Library. Ages 2-5: Bring your preschooler to the Library for interactive stories, songs, dancing, crafts and play!
Thursdays. 8:00 a.m. Elliott Woods Hiking Club at Prairie Creek Park. Ages 18+ & Free. Each hike will bring new discoveries through the season. Hikers will have the option to hike 2 miles or 4 miles. Trail level of difficulty is moderate and hilly.
Thursdays. 12:30 p.m. Bingo Bunch at Vigo County West Library. Enjoy refreshments as you play traditional and non-traditional Bingo every week. Prizes will be offered to the first to call out, “Bingo!” All levels of experience welcome. Cards and number markers will be provided.
Thursdays. 4:00 p.m. Coloring Night at Indiana State University Bookstore. Come have a relaxing night out of the house. Coloring can be so relaxing and we have lots of options to choose from. We are running a cafe special on Iced Teas and they will be 50% off during the event.
Thursdays (except August 8th). 6:00 p.m. Books Before Bedtime at Vigo County Main Library. Bring your children ages 0-5 for this evening storytime. Wear your pajamas to the library for stories, songs, and crafts before bedtime! This event will vary each week from traditional story time, to art-based activities, to music-making, and everything in between!
Thursdays (except August 8th). 6:00 p.m. Creative Builders at Vigo County Main Library. Ages 6-11: Hang out with your friends and explore cool technology, art, games and activities.
Fridays. 10:30 a.m. Ready to Read Storytime at Vigo County Library West Branch. Ages 0-5: Sing along to music, move your bodies with egg shakers and scarves, hear stories and participate in crafts or playtime. Parents and caregivers are invited to participate with their children during this story time.
Sundays. 3:00 p.m. Smash Sundays at Full Moon Games. Venue Fee: $3.00. Prizes: Top players will receive store credit based on attendance that can be used at Full Moon Games or Footers Pizza.
Sundays. 6:00-7:15 p.m. Yoga in the Park at Hawthorn Park. Ages 13+. $5/per person. This is an all levels class that focuses on breath and postures to help align, strengthen, and develop flexibility in the body. Yoga has been shown to decrease stress, increase balance, and promote a sense of well being.
August Event Calendar for Terre Haute and the Wabash Valley
Daily Events in August
Thurs Aug 8 and Fri Aug 9. The Global Leadership Summit at Maryland Community Church. Fresh, actionable and inspiring leadership content from a world-class faculty at a convenient location near you.
Fri Aug 9. 6:00 p.m. Casual Friday Ride at Griffin Bike Park. FREE! Finish your week with a fun, relaxing ride through our woods at Griffin Bike Park. Hybrids and Mountain Bikes are recommended.
Fri Aug 9. 8pm. Movie Over the Water. Join the Clay County YMCA for a movie (A Shark Tale!) over the water at Forest Park Pool! Doors will open at 8pm. The show will begin at dark. Floats are welcome – there will be no open swim during the movie. Cost: $5
Sat Aug 10. 9:00 a.m. Griffin Bike Park Work Day. Come out and help finish the bike park. We have many ongoing projects to finish and new ones to start. We will serve lunch, and host a trail ride at 2:30!
Sat Aug 10. 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Gardening in the Village at Fowler Park: Pioneer Village. Calling all gardeners, outdoor enthusiasts, history buffs and knowledge seekers! We are seeking volunteers interested in helping us revitalize the gardens and native plantings throughout Fowler Park’s Pioneer Village.
Sat Aug 10. 1:00 p.m. Vivid Smiles Grand Opening! With a bounce house, face painting, balloon animals, snow cones, food and prizes, it’s sure to be an incredible event! We’ll see you there!
Sat Aug 10. Westminister Festival. A celebration of partnerships and not-for-profit organizations. Enjoy fun, kids games, petting zoo, bluegrass music, artisan vendors and family photos!
Sat Aug 10. Dueling Pianos.No need to leave town or pay high ticket prices to see Dueling Pianos, Stop by the Poplar Pub on August 10 we will be hosting one of the best shows in the state. Must be 21 to enter.
Sat Aug 10. Block Party at Free Life Community Church. Join us from 11AM-2PM at FLCC for Music, Food, Carnival Games, and Inflatables for the kids.
Sat Aug 10. 8:00 p.m. Terre Haute Community Band Concert at Fairbanks Park. “Off To Work We Go.”
Sat Aug 10. Second Saturday Studio at the Swope. Letterpress and typing! Come print your own postcard inspired by the current special exhibition Gil Wilson: the Art of Letters. Also experience what it was like for Gil to write his letters with a collection of manual typewriters. Free drop-in program from 1-3pm this Saturday, August 10th.
Sun Aug 11. 10:00 a.m. PUMP It UP! Pump Track Challenge at Griffin Bike Park. Bring your speed and skills to Griffin Bike Park to race on the Pro Pump Track for prizes and bragging rights! This is a five race series and will take place on the same day as our Dual Slalom races.
Sun Aug 11. 1:00 p.m. Comfort Keepers / J’s Bikes / Trek Bikes Dual Slalom Series at the Griffin Bike Park. Riders will be broken down into age classes. Racing 2 heat bracket racing to determine class champions for each race and overall season points.
Sun Aug 11. 3:00 p.m. Mountain Dew Family Funday Sunday. The Midwest Sprint Car Series comes to Terre Haute Action Track for the second time in 2019.
Tues Aug 13. 9:30 a.m. Tot Time: Get Moving at The Terre Haute Children’s Museum. Can you jump like a kangaroo, spin like a UFO, be as strong as the hulk? These are just some of the tasks we will see how our bodies work. Included with admission. This is a pre-registered program.
Tues Aug 13. 3:30 p.m. Watch This! West Captain Marvel at Vigo County Library West Branch. Captain Marvel is an extraterrestrial Kree warrior who finds herself caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle between her people and the Skrulls.
Fri Aug 16. 7:00 p.m. Date Night “Create together with Clay” at Deming Park Pottery. Cost: $40/couple.
Sat Aug 17. 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Gardening in the Village at Fowler Park: Pioneer Village. Calling all gardeners, outdoor enthusiasts, history buffs and knowledge seekers! We are seeking volunteers interested in helping us revitalize the gardens and native plantings throughout Fowler Park’s Pioneer Village.
Sat Aug 17. 10:00 a.m.-12:00:00 p.m. Summer in the Village. Join us for “Summer in the Village” as our Pioneers open up their cabins for all to explore and demonstrate early 19th century skills and crafts for the public to experience.
Sat Aug 17. 7:00 p.m. Parents Night Out at The Sycamore Winery. Hosted by Marshall Schools Foundation.
Sat Aug 17. 8:00 p.m. Wabashiki Full Moon-Night Ride. Bike the Wabashiki Trail with our Griffin Bike Park Manager and VCPRD Natural Resource Programmer on an adventurous 10-mile fundraising ride through the river bottoms. All ages-Adult supervision required for ages 13 & under. $5/person (cash only please)
Sat Aug 17. The Stormcrest Festival in Brazil, Indiana. Battlegames, medieval arts and sciences demonstrations, music, roleplay, vendors, and more! Immerse yourself in the middle of your own medieval fantasy. Tickets are $10 at the gate (CASH ONLY), and kids 6 and under are free!
Sat Aug 17. Hands-on Science at the Terre Haute Children’s Museum. Paper Mountains. Explore the way the shape of the land and the pull of gravity influence how water moves over Earth. Learn how you can gauge and help NASA record water levels. Included with admission. This is “drop-in” style, so come anytime during the hours listed.
Mon Aug 19. Sonka Walk Run Club. (Adults.) Departs from Sonka every Monday at 6 pm. Earn Sonka Bucks.
Tues Aug 20. 4:00 p.m. Scrappy Circuits at Vigo County Library West Branch. Take apart and reassemble small electronics to learn about circuits, coding, and more. Registration Required.
Tues Aug 20. 6:00 p.m. Watch This! Teens — Captain Marvel at Vigo County Main Library. Ages 12-19: When Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien species, U.S. Air Force Pilot Carol Danvers must become one of the universe’s most powerful heroes. Refreshments will be served.
Wed Aug 21 and Thurs Aug 22. Terre Haute Children’s Choir Auditions. The THCC offers three different choirs to accommodate the singing experience of every child
Fri Aug 23. 5:00-10:00 p.m. Kids Night Out at Vigo County YMCA. The evenings will feature seasonal games, arts and crafts, healthy snacks and more. Children ages 18 months – 12 years. $15 first child/$10 additional children; Nonmember Rate: $25 first child.
Fri Aug 23. 6:00 p.m. Casual Friday Ride at Griffin Bike Park. FREE! Finish your week with a fun, relaxing ride through our woods at Griffin Bike Park. Hybrids and Mountain Bikes are recommended.
Fri Aug 23 and Sat Aug 24. Scheid Diesel Extravaganza. The Largest All Diesel Motorsports Event in the US! Outlaw Diesel Super Series Diesel Pickup Drag Racing, Lucas Oil Pro Pulling Truck & Tractor Pulling, Show N Shine, Vendors and much more!
Fri Aug 23 and Sat Aug 24. Bowling Green Old Settlers Festival. Inflatables, horse pull, tractor pull, craft market.
Sat Aug 24. 10:00-3:00 p.m. Train Day at The Terre Haute Children’s Museum. 10-25 different organizations and individuals will have train layouts on display, and three Indiana railroad museums will share information about their facilities. Layouts will include model trains of all sizes with detailed scenery, realistic figures and elaborate structures. Included with Museum admission.
Mon Aug 26. 5:00 p.m. Women’s Equality Day March 2019. 99 years! celebrate the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution giving all US women the right to vote in all elections. Event is FREE and non-partisan community/campus civic engagement.
Tues Aug 27. 9:30 a.m. Tot Time: Grounding Gravity at The Terre Haute Children’s Museum. What goes up must come down. Why your tot may ask? Come find out why with bean bags, balloons, balls, and a parachute. Included with admission. This is a pre-registered program.
Fri Aug 30 – Mon Sept 2. Little Italy Festival in Clinton. The festival is held every Labor Day weekend and has been since 1966.
Sat Aug 31. 3rd Annual Labor Day Festival at The Sycamore Winery/Big Leaf Brewing. There will be wine, craft beer, food trucks, live music, and fireworks over the lake at dark. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs, plus don’t forget the entire family. This event is free to the public and all ages are welcome.
Sat Aug 31. 9:30 a.m. Baby Explorer: Animals! at The Terre Haute Children’s Museum. Woof, Meow, Tweet, Moo. Animals are everywhere in your babies world. During Baby Explorer we will look, touch, and discover why animals are so special. Included with Admission. This is a pre-registered program.
As always, please double check event info before making your plans. Details can and do change! We’ll update this page as new information becomes available to us, so check the calendar often.
Our sponsors help keep this site free to readers like you. Please help us thank them for their support by patroning their kid-friendly businesses!
Need more ideas? Click here to see our FREE OR NEARLY FREE ideas for summer fun!
Event coordinators, this info is for you! If you want to see Haute Happenings readers at your event, you NEED to add your info to our calendar. Send us your event details!
The fun has ended for these great events:
Thurs Aug 1. 4:00 p.m. KIDS POO & GOO EVENT at Shewey’s Paint Your Own Pottery Studio. We will be PAINTING our PARTY POOPER EMOJI and the KIDS will be making OOEY, GOOEY SLIME!! Enjoy a fun POO and GOO themed Sweet Treat to go along with the event!! The $5 fee is to reserve each painters seat. The remaining $20 per painter is due at the POO and GOO EVENT.
Fri Aug 2. 11:30-2:00 p.m. Mom’s Day Out at Vigo County YMCA. Extended Child Care will be offered to our members on Fridays throughout the summer to give our caregivers a break! (This service is offered to Y members only). $10 per family. Structured play for ages 12 weeks – 12 years at the Y including tumbling, games, arts and crafts and more.
Fri Aug 2. 4:00 p.m. First Friday – Go, Dog, Go! at Vigo County Main Library. All Ages: Race your way to the library, it’s a party, it’s a big dog party! Enjoy activities inspired by Go, Dog. Go! – making your own party hat, tossing traffic lights and snacking on kid-approved dog treats.
Fri Aug 2. 5:00 p.m. August First Friday: Dog Days of Summer. Bring your four-legged friends to experience downtown, along with K9 demonstrations, paw print painting, education from local veterinarian offices and more! Usual favorites including the Vigo County Public Library, Swope Art Museum, Crossroads Cyclery, Griffin Bike Park, Clabber Girl and more will also join in on the fun. The Children’s Museum will have Terre Haute Humane Society dogs who are looking for forever homes during the Puppy Party at the Terre Haute Children’s Museum.
Fri Aug 2. 6:00 p.m. BACK TO SCHOOL CELEBRATION PLATES at Shewey’s Paint Your Own Pottery Studio. We will be painting an apple platter for this event. All ages are welcome to join us!! Enjoy FUN THEMED TREATS, while you Paint!! You will pay a $10 fee at signup to hold your seat and the remaining $35 is due at the event.
Fri Aug 2. Global Big Latch On. Support breastfeeding during World Breastfeeding Week.
Sat Aug 3 and Sun Aug 4. Friends of the Library Monthly Book Sale. Shop from a selection of thousands of items: Books, movies, music and more. The average book price is just $1.00.
Sat Aug 3. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Christmas in August in Brazil. Craft and Vendor Show Brazil Indiana at the fairgrounds.
Sat Aug 3. 6 pm-11 pm. Wine on the Wabash. Featuring delicious local wine from six area wineries from the State Line Wine Trail, plus plenty of great food and music from Living Proof and rock & R&B cover band, GrooveSmash! Tickets are $10 per person at the door and children 12 & under are FREE!
Sat Aug 3. 9:30 a.m. Preschool Clay at Deming Park Pottery. Ages: 2-5. Cost: $7.
Sat Aug 3. 10:30 a.m. Kids’ Clay at Deming Park Pottery. Ages: 5-12. Cost: $15
Sat Aug 3 11:00 a.m. and Sun Aug 4 3:45 p.m. Back to School Weekend at Highland-Church. Join us for our Back to School Weekend at Highland-Church ! Saturday kicks off our backpack and school supplies give away! Fun activities and free food for the whole family! Sunday is our Highland-KIDS Water Fun Sunday with water balloons, water guns, and more!
Sat Aug 3. 10:00 a.m. Wabash Valley Coder Dojo at Vigo County Main Library. Ages 7-17: Learn to code, build a website, create an app or a game and explore technology in an informal, creative and social environment. Registration Required.
Sat Aug 3 and 10. 11 am- 3pm. Terre Haute Children’s Museum. Hands-on Science. Korean Crafts. Pre-service teachers from universities in Korea, visiting Indiana State University, will be here to lead traditional games and crafts that use science and math. Included with admission. This is “drop-in” style, so come anytime during the hours listed.
Sat Aug 3. 1:00 p.m. Beginner’s Wheel Throwing at Deming Park Pottery. Cost: $35 plus glaze day.
Sat Aug 3. 2:00 p.m. Repair, Renew & Refresh Your Clothes at Vigo County Main Library. Use our sewing machines and give your clean clothes a new life by repairing and restyling them. A Cricut and Easy Press 2 will also be available to use. Registration Required.
Sun Aug 4. 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Terre Haute Masters Skills Camp by Fastpitch Masters. Our Masters Skills Camp will bring in College Coaches and instructors to teach players skills to improve their game. Starts at $98.
Mon Aug 5. 9:30 a.m. Creek Stompin at Deming Park. Ages: 5-12. Cost: $5/class-per child
Mon Aug 5. 6:00 p.m. Books & Brews at Terre Haute Brewing Company hosted by Vigo County Main Library. In Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give, African-American teenager Starr Carter witnesses her friend, Khalil,being shot and killed by a police officer. Ages 21 & Up. Food and drink will be available from the restaurant for purchase.