I Feel Sick (Rachael)

If you happened to read any of our blog posts from when we were in Guatemala, you already know that our week there was amazing.  It was so amazing, in fact, that we’re already making plans to go back in June.   However, what we didn’t mention in our posts was that the weeks had […]

Foreign eXchange–Guatemala Day 4 (Nate)

Today we actually made it all the way to San Gabriel up in the mountains. There was a major traffic accident that delayed our translator and stopped all the traffic in front of our hotel, but we trust that God worked it out the way he intended. We got to spend the morning helping the […]

Uncommonunity (by Nate)

The other night as we were packing up the bags for our trip to Guatemala, I looked through some of the gifts that people have given to their Foreign eXchange kids. They’ve just been gradually filling up our utility room as people have given them to us at church every week. Rachael’s been the one […]