Travel Bag of Tricks

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Guest Post at Money Saving Mom

travel tips for kids

I’ll admit it-it’s not exactly easy to travel with very little kids. But that hasn’t stopped us (yet)! In fact, we’re getting ready to fly with our girls again for a much-needed beach vacation. This will be our youngest daughter’s second commercial trip (at 9 months), and our oldest daughter’s ninth commercial trip (at 2 1/2 years).

We’ve learned a thing or two on our trips, and today I’m thrilled to be sharing some of my favorite tips for keeping young ones happy during travel over at Money Saving Mom! Check it out here: Frugal Ways to Occupy Kids While Traveling.

And when you’re done, click on the following picture links for even more ideas. Clearly, I kind of enjoy talking about traveling with kids!

How to pack and make it through the airport:

Traveling with Toddlers, url

Surviving the plane ride:

Travel with Toddler part 2

And managing sleep disruptions:

sleeping text

You can also find our travel gear essentials on our “travel gear” page. Let me know if you think there’s anything we should add to the list!


3 thoughts on “Travel Bag of Tricks”

  1. Wow! You are a professional traveler with kids. While I wasn’t able to travel much as my kids were growing up; I’ve certainly picked up a few pointers to use with the grand kids.

  2. Traveling with my 2 yr old son is fun but traveling his things is exhausting because of lots of things to bring specially his childhood pillows. Thanks bringing this up Rachael, its my first time visiting your site and I really love reading your posts. Keep it up!

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