Meet Isabel

A few miles away from the Buckner Office in Guatemala City is a small, four bedroom house that is home to thirteen of the sweetest, most lovable children you’ll ever meet.  It’s the Buckner Baby Home, and if you’ve been following our blog, you know that these thirteen children have captured our hearts. Since we […]


I know we said we were going to take turns blogging, but Nate’s priority this week is to work on the upstairs apartment. (Yes, we have apartments–more on that some other time.) So, to take some of the pressure off him, I (Rachael) am going to be blogging again this week. Our trip two weeks […]

Guat Wrap Up

As I was looking over our blog last night, I realized that a lot of the content of my blog posts has centered on our time with the babies.  Interestingly, this wasn’t the original plan.  We had hoped to spend equal time at the babies’ home, Eliza Martinez, and San Gabriel.  However, due to circumstances […]