Countdown Ideas for Kids

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Remember that one winter when our whole family had the flu and then we never saw Nate because he was working 90 hours a week and forced to sleep on the floor of his office? No? Well, I do. And even though the chaos has died down, I still feel like we’re reeling from a rough January. No, a vacation isn’t the answer to our problems. Vacation isn’t a magical cure that will make everything better. But I am looking forward to the change of scenery, warm weather, quality time with my three favorite people, the beach, and break from the internet! Yep, I’m taking a short break from blogging.

I’m finally on instagram! Well, sort of. I’m actually still stuck in the dark ages of dumb phone world, but Nate has instagram on HIS phone. So check in with us on facebook for updates and a few special facebook-only posts! You can also follow us here:

Countdown Ideas for Kids

In the meantime, the toddler is loving this countdown to trip idea (which I found on Walking on Travel’s facebook page!). This first thing she said to me this morning was, “Let’s go to our countdown!” She loves to travel already. Is she her mother’s daughter or what?

You could easily make a countdown like this for ANY big event–a visit from Grandma, a special playdate, or a holiday.

Depending on your child’s age, this is a great way to review colors, shapes (our “boxes” were different shapes), and days of the week.

Each day leading up to our trip, she gets to color the square/circle/triangle that goes with each particular day. Easy, fun, and a concrete way to prepare little ones for a big event!

Do you have other countdown ideas we could try?

4 thoughts on “Countdown Ideas for Kids”

  1. This really did help us immensely when we were eagerly anticipating getting on a plane last week. Now I just need to make one as we count down to when we go back home. My little guy doesn’t care where he is going, he just knows he needs to get on a plane! I love how you have expanded this to include learning about shapes, colors, etc. Fantastic!

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